• 905-232-5200
  • request@meetsusolutions.com
  • 99 Dundas Street East, 2nd Floor, Mississauga ON L5A 1W7 CANADA

Get Employed

Where here to help you with your job search!

MEETsu Solutions will find the right and reliable work for you, which shouldn’t be hard. Imagine, a free second set of eyes helping you find work with access to multiple employers and positions in one spot. Being able to get your foot in the door to show an employer how great an asset you are to their company. MEETsu Solutions can make your job search easier. If you are looking for a temporary, part-time or full-time job, we can help you.  We work hard to break the stereotypes about agencies. We are service providers that match employers and candidates. So we start with the bottom line first… our guarantee.

Partnering with us is a redeeming, rewarding, and equally beneficial venture. Connect with our team and we can handle the hiring process for you.

Where do I start?

 Visit or apply online to register yourself today! For more details call our office and we are delighted to assist you.

From recruiting point of view, here is the approach we put forward.

1. Job-seeker

      Apply to our job openings. Candidates make conversation with us for more info. And then fill out the application form.

2. Assessment

     Once we gather the applications of potential candidates, they move to the next step. Your profile will be assessed according to our client's criteria. 3. Contact

      If your application passed through the client's requirements our  Human Resource team will contact you for an interview.

 4. Interview

      An interview screening, according to the job type that takes place. We introduce potential candidates to the employer. From which we sort and help choose the most qualified and deserving candidate.

5. Agreement and Pay

                               We manage the end-to-end process until you are hired and settled in your workplace.


What do we offer?

 We value every individual seeking opportunities with us.  "Your success is Our Priority." We accommodate you at your convenience concerning how your payment will be processed.  The significance of the job we have given includes your punctuality and timeliness. Your safety in the workplace is also our concern.

Direct Deposit Payroll

Payroll for MEETsu Solutions is by direct deposit. We require an imprinted blank cheque, marked VOID, showing your account information, or a Bank Information form available from your bank. Direct Deposit can be deposited into any Bank or Credit Union Account that you have. Your name and address must be imprinted on the cheque. Payday is bi-weekly.


Employees placed with our clients are expected to arrive on time, alert, and ready to work their full shift. If you are not able to report for work, then you must call a day or 24 hours before the shift.

Health and Safety

MEETsu Solutions takes the safety and well-being of all our employees very seriously. All employees must make sure they read, understand, and follow all Safety directions they are given by us and the client they are placed with. All safety equipment MUST be used as directed — i.e. safety shoes must be worn in warehouses, and employees may be sent home if they arrive at their worksite without the required equipment.

All injuries MUST be reported to a supervisor AND our office as soon as possible after they occur. All Personnel Services has a Mandatory Return to Work Program. Injured employees will have suitable alternative work arranged for them, within their abilities.

Ethics and Discrimination

Discrimination usually occurs when equality is denied. It is a complex issue that affects everyone. We ensure that all employees are given equal opportunity and treated with respect and dignity regardless of race, sex, and religion. The equality of all people should be the fundamental principle enshrined in the legal systems and moral frameworks of civilian societies.  We, together with our clients, are aware and vigilant about this issue. We see to it that we have measures to prevent and remedy harassment if it occurs, and are encouraged to create a supportive, diverse and inclusive work environment for all employees. Everyone has a voice, we support every individual to report concerns about potential misconduct or unlawful activities in the workplace. All reports shall be treated as confidential, each being investigated and appropriate corrective measures shall be taken if necessary.


Still, confused and need more info?

                  Contact us directly! We're happy to answer any of all your questions.

                                               MEETsu Solutions | Contact us